Thursday 13 August 2015

Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.

Idea 102 Wardrobe: Write about a fashion model or what's currently in your closet or drawers.

As a plus sized woman the past few months have been very interesting as the world was introduced to the first size 22 model to be signed to a high profile modelling agency.  There have been arguments over her intentions, what she is promoting and her true dress size. Personally, I think she is an inspiration to many, and a cause of concern to others. 
Image result for tess holliday

This is Tess Holliday and she is currently the most well known plus size model on the planet. She is both loved and hated. Tess is proud of her body but many people believe she is promoting an unhealthy lifestyle however that is not the case. Tess is promoting positivity, self worth and celebrating the person you are and the skin that you live in. She is proving that you don't have to be skinny to be sexy or love yourself. She doesn't cast negativity on those who are slim or skinny. That's not her philosophy. Tess looks after herself and goes to the gym. It's understandable that her being in the public eye would cause an outcry by some claiming that she's making it 'ok' to be at risk of a variety of health conditions. They are missing the point. What Tess does is show that the world is made up of people who are different shapes and sizes and that we need to start accepting ourselves. She's not telling people to be fat. Neither is she encouraging people to be unhealthy. Simply, Tess accentuates the positive and eliminates the negative. 

   Image result for tess holliday  

Find out more about Tess in this interview with Marie Claire

Find her on Facebook

Find her on Twitter

Find her on Instagram

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Once Upon A Time......

Idea 96 Fairy Tales: Rewrite a fairy tale. Give it a new ending or make it modern or write as a poem.

There was a girl called Cinderella,
Who had her eye on a Princely fella,
She went to the ball,
In love she did fall,
With a cake made completely of Nutella.

There were a family of 3 little pigs,
Who made houses from bricks, straw and twigs,
The wolf they did best,
When he puffed out his chest,
Now all he can eat is figs.

Snow White was a beautiful maid,
From her step-mum she had to be saved,
Then 7 little guys,
Who were ever so wise,
Got a Prince to wake her where she lay.

Oh Little Red wore a beautiful Hood,
She saw her gran whenever she could,
Then a wolf she did meet,
When taking gran some sweets,
Now she never goes back in the woods.

Priorities Change

Well the past week has been a bit of a whirlwind since our new addition to the family arrived. As someone who has never had a dog in the house before it has been a huge learning curve. 

So here she is. The reason it's been so long since my last post. Our beautiful girl Maddie . At almost 1 she has a lot to learn but she is the most loving, wonderful dog. There is a lot of training to be done but hopefully that will help with the nervous side of her nature. 
The title of this post says it all. My priorities have changed for the foreseeable future. There will be plenty of ups and downs, but I wouldn't want it any other way. The Dogs Trust are amazing and such a wonderful support. I am so pleased they are around for all the other dogs like Maddie who need a forever home

   Image result for dogs trust