If I were a butterfly I would be free to see the world from another point of view.
If I were a butterfly I could dance over the the fragrant meadows.
If I were a butterfly I would not be bound by the chains of reality.
If I were a butterfly I could float through the beauty of nature.
If I were a butterfly I wouldn't need to rush.
If I were a butterfly I wouldn't have a care in the world.
If I were a butterfly I would emerge from my cocoon filled with joy, excitement and anticipation of what the world was about to offer me.

Oh how I love the freedom my wings have brought to my life. Never before had I seen such beauty until I could fly. How wondrous is creation! I am but a tiny speck in an infinite universe, yet my existence is just as important as the brightest star. My curiosity knows no bounds as I flutter and dance from place to place. My wings take me far and wide. Every day there are more wonders to behold, I know nothing of war, hate and the evils of the world. All I know is the beauty that resides from North to South and East to West. I will rise and fall on the gentle breeze as I experience life as I know it.

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