Monday 27 July 2015

Oooh fruity!!! ;-)

Idea 305 Fruit: Write a poem that is an ode to a fruit.

An Ode To Mangoes
Mouthwatering mango,
So juicy and sweet.
The thought of your taste,
Makes my heart skip a beat.
Your tender flesh,
Entices me so,
As I take the first bite,
Your juice begins to flow.
Oh mango you are fruit divine,
Manna sent from above.
Oh mango you,  yes only you 
Are the fruit I truly love.

An Ode To Strawberries
Strawberry juicy, strawberry sweet,
Strawberries are a fruit that I love to eat.
Strawberry jam on a hot piece of toast,
One of the breakfasts that I love the most.
Strawberry milkshake delicious and cold,
To choose such a beverage you are never too old.
Strawberry ice cream or strawberries and cream,
A lovely desert of which some may dream.
Strawberry juicy, strawberry sweet,
Strawberries are a fruit that I love to eat.

An Ode To Weird Fruit
Sugar Apple, Mammee Apple,
Cocona, Breadfruit,
Duku, Safou,
Jabuticaba,  Rambutan,
Noni, Marula,
Salmonberry, Salak,
Bael, Star Apple,
Star Fruit, Horned Melon,
Pitaya, Miracle Fruit,
Oh weird and wonderful sounding fruit,
Your delights escape me!
I've only heard of one of you,
And tasted none at all.
I'm sure you're all delightful,
In your own special way.
Maybe one day you will be weird no more.

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